
lunes, 25 de enero de 2021

767 #Frutae’paloma

 767 #Frutae’paloma (Schaefferia frutescens)F Celastraceae

Plantas  caducas, flores unisexuales que usualmente se encuentran agrupadas en las hojas axilares, aunque en algunas especies son solitarias. El cáliz de las flores tienen 4 lóbulos y la corola cuatro pétalos, Fruto en drupa.

 #Frutae’paloma Schaefferia frutesens F Celastraceae

Las plantas son caducas, con flores unisexuales que usualmente se encuentran agrupadas en las hojas axilares, aunque en algunas especies son solitarias. El cáliz de las flores tienen 4 lóbulos y la corola cuatro pétalos. El fruto es una drupa.

Schaefferia frutescens, the Florida-boxwood, is a species of flowering plant in the family Celastraceae,that is native to tropical regions of the Americas, from southern Florida in the United States, south through the Caribbean to Central America and northwestern South America (Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador), and also Veracruz in Mexico.[1][2] It grows at close to sea level in Florida, and up to 600 m altitude in Puerto Rico.[2]

It is an evergreen shrub or rarely a small tree growing to 4–5 m tall (exceptionally to 8 m), usually with several stems from the base; stem size is up to 18 cm diameter. The bark is smooth light gray, roughened by many narrow ridges. The leaves are leathery, yellow-green, 4–7 cm long and 12–25 mm broad. The flowers are small, pale green to whitish, produced in small clusters in the leaf axils. The fruit is an orange-red to red berry 4–8 mm diameter

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