
viernes, 2 de octubre de 2020

623 Digomphia

 623 #Digonfia (Digomphia ceratophora) F Bignonacea Arbol pequeñom. Hojas simples pinnadas.sin estipulas Infloresencia en panículas terminales Flores Hermafroditas. En forma de trompeta.Endemico de Guayana

623 Digomphia Trees or shrubs. Leaves simple or odd-pinnately compound. Inflorescence a few-flowered terminal panicle, frequently reduced to 1 or 2 flowers. Calyx large, membranous, spathaceous or split into 3-5 lanceolate or ovate lobes; corolla lavender or bluish purple, tubular-campanulate, mostly glabrous outside. Anthers glabrous, bithecate, the staminode elongate, exceeding the stamens, bifurcate or 4-6-parted at apex, glandular pubescent in upper 2/3. Ovary compressed-elliptic, glabrous; disk pulvinate. Capsule elliptic, flattened perpendicular to the septum, dehiscing perpendicular to the septum and parallel to the plane of compression. Seeds thin, winged.

Endemic to the Guayana Shield in southeastern Colombia, southern Venezuela, Guyana, and northern Brazil; 3 species, all in the flora ar

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